The Great Danger

"The great danger…lies precisely in his constant contact with divine things." ~ Benjamin B. Warfield (1911) When asked, "Give me a few things that when you first saw them, you were in awe?"  A very common answer that comes up time and time again, the Grand Canyon.  What is it about this monstrosity of a … Continue reading The Great Danger

What exactly are you doing?!

In light of my last post on the recent transition my family has made, a lot of people have asked, "What exactly are you doing?"  If there is anything I’ve learned from God’s Word, it's that we are never meant to be alone. Consider when Moses charged Joshua to go and defeat the Amalekites (Exodus … Continue reading What exactly are you doing?!

Why I’m walking away from my career

The field of education has been my life for the last 32 years!  I have been involved in education either as a student, athlete, teacher, coach, or administrator since I was 5.  Being on a school campus is what I know.  It's what I am familiar with.  For me, September to June is my "year". … Continue reading Why I’m walking away from my career

Open up your heart and speak

Lying. Manipulation. Deception. Theft. Cheating. Forgery. Explicit imagery. Needless to say, I've had a pretty eventful couple of weeks at school.  Life as a Vice Principal is never boring.  I could easily split up each of these events (and yes, each term applies to a separate event) and rattle off the fun I've had dealing with … Continue reading Open up your heart and speak

Top 10 of 2013

As we all do at this time of year, I spent some time in reflection on this past year.  Everything from faith, family, and work.  It can simply boil down to this.  GOD IS GOOD!  Yes, I'm sure I could find the dark clouds, the bad choices, the unfortunate, the demise of 2013.  There was … Continue reading Top 10 of 2013

A day in the life

"To be a true thug doesn't mean wearing 'bling', listening to rap and talking 'black'. Being a gangsta isn't superficial. To be a true thug means you haven't had it good your whole life, and you intend to change that, and get out of the ghetto if that's where you are, you do whats right, … Continue reading A day in the life

Winds of Change

I've read it numerous times.  I've seen it seven times in person.  I have multiple pictures of it.  Having taught its concept in my U.S. History classes for over 10 years, there is something about the Statue of Liberty and Emma Lazarus' poem that will always resonate with me.  I would love to have seen … Continue reading Winds of Change

Slow to speak

There are moments that I have experienced in my career as an educator that have challenged me.  My first year.  Teaching Advanced Placement.  Being a head coach.  And the myriad of other situations that I've faced throughout each passing school year.  Yet as another year draws to a close, I couldn't help but reflect on … Continue reading Slow to speak

Rak Chazak! Survey

As we head in to 2013, I would love to receive feedback from all of those that read my blog.  My entire purpose in writing is to inspire, encourage, and bless those that read.  If I'm not meeting your needs, then I need to improve.  Please let me know how I can better serve you by … Continue reading Rak Chazak! Survey

Education with an Eternal Perspective

Being in education for the last 14 years, I have sat in on many in-service opportunities. The majority of which (insert drum roll here), pertained to educational practices.  I know, pretty enlightening huh?!  In that I've spent 12 of my 14 years in Christian education, you would be surprised at how many of those in-services … Continue reading Education with an Eternal Perspective